All Episodes
Displaying 1 - 30 of 243 in total
242 | Finale
This is it. The final AndSons podcast. In this profoundly heartfelt conversation, Sam and Blaine look back at how this podcast came to be, what this journey has meant ...

241 | The Journey
How do you know when it's time to end a good thing? As the AndSons podcast nears its final episode, Sam and Blaine reveal how they knew this was the right moment to br...

BONUS: The Mount Vigil Podcast
Blaine Eldredge introduces an episode of his new venture, The Mount Vigil Podcast.

240 | What's Next
The AndSons podcast is drawing to a close but AndSons is NOT ending. In this conversation, Sam and Blaine share what's next for each of them. Sam reveals plans for the...

239 | Sage Advice for Your Twenties
The Wild at Heart men's team recently gathered for a new mission—to share insights gleaned from the ups and downs of their twenties. To start the conversation, Sam and...

238 | God's Will?
In this listener-requested topic, Sam and Blaine enter the deep waters of how to know the will of God. Most arrive at this question through the problem of pain, the de...

237 | All Good Things
This episode features a big announcement about what's ahead for AndSons. You'll want to find some space to be fully present for this recent live stream where Sam and B...

236 | Do This, Not That
After more than 230 AndSons podcasts—that's around 14,000 minutes—on practically every topic imaginable, how could anyone distill it all down to a few main points? Tha...

235 | The Second Age of the Sorcerer
We live at a crazy moment in human history. The veil of modernity has fallen away and the re-spiritualization of the world is occurring. Once again, people are being d...

234 | Body and Spirit: Christians as Amphibians
John Eldredge joins Sam and Blaine for this episode of the recent AndSons live stream. It's no secret that humanity is hard-pressed and beat up. But if we're going to ...

233 | Sailors and Squirrels
What do you do in seasons where the things that once brought great joy no longer seem possible? The desire is still there, but the time or perhaps the money isn't. Thr...

232 | The Sam and Blaine Mixtape
Certain songs have the ability to move you like nothing else, bringing you right back to key moments in life. Sometimes you choose the songs; sometimes they choose you...

231 | Know Your Own Heart
In this recent AndSons livestream, Sam and Blaine explore the high cost of ignoring our hearts. Yes, the heart is messy and complicated, but it's also the epicenter of...

230 | Stasi Eldredge: Captivated by Jesus
Our souls grow weary from the relentless pace of life filled with non-stop demands for more of us than we have to give. In these times it's hard to remember our treasu...

229 | Anxious About Everything
If you struggle with anxiety, you're not alone. More than 40 million adults struggle with anxiety. It's the most common mental illness in America. But we don't really ...

228 | Dan Allender: Surviving Depression
In this foundational episode, Sam and Blaine are joined by trauma therapist and bestselling author Dan Allender for this candid conversation about depression and suici...

227 | Breaking Up is Hard to Do
A listener recently wrote in asking for a conversation on breaks-up. He was going through a difficult season after the end of a relationship and thought this topic was...

226 | Discipline Is Not Enough - Part 2
We tend to measure success by what we get from God. We think our resiliency would improve if we only had what we most wanted. But the only thing that can ever truly s...

225 | Discipline Is Not Enough - Part 1
When life requires more of us, we tend to buckle down, work hard, and get things done. But discipline alone can never create the mature, transformed man that God is af...

224 | Establishing Boundaries
What are the boundaries of your life and kingdom...and how do you protect them in a world that puts no limits on its right to overrule your time, words, and decisions?...

223 | Can I Get a Witness?
We long to share meaningful experiences with others. It's in those times that we feel most seen and heard. Yet what about when there's no one to witness our victories,...

222 | Story 1 or Story 2
God gives you a choice. Do you want to spend your days in Story 1 or Story 2? Unfortunately, most choose Story 1—small stories of low risk, high control and quick answ...

221 | What Conflict Reveals
No sane person enjoys conflict. When things go wrong, we quickly try to make up and move on. While that may work for minor disagreements, it isn't nearly as helpful fo...

220 | 99% In
What is Jesus inviting you to experience more—or less of—in this season? Whatever it is, you'll never fully achieve it being 99% in. Why? Because even just 1% uncertai...

219 | High Expectations with Low Reserves
In this second AndSons livestream, Sam Jolman joins Sam and Blaine to discuss how even though life seems to be getting back to normal, we're not doing as well as we th...

218 | Summer Strategies
Your heart needs a different gear for summer—one that creates space for sabbath, play, and risk. What does that look like? Sam and Blaine offer ways to feed your soul ...

217 | A Life of Meaning
A hyper-vigilant, high-alert life may sound wise, but all it ultimately brings is higher anxiety, depression, and exhaustion. A life of meaning, on the other hand, pla...

216 | Captive or Free?
In their second AndSons livestream, Sam and Blaine look at how today's culture encourages people to see themselves as permanent victims. Yet how does that view align w...

215 | Stuck in the Middle 2
Divisive topics tend to divide relationships—but they don't have to. In this series conclusion, Sam and Blaine reveal ways to lead with our hearts in an issues-infatua...

214 | Stuck in the Middle 1
In such polarizing times, safety comes from being fully in with one side or the other on any given topic. Having your own opinion—rather than falling in line with the ...